Hi, I'm Tegar Swasono

I'm a backend developer and work at Weefer Indonesia.

Glad to see you...

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C# .NetCore Package
  1. microsoft.entityframeworkcore
  2. microsoft.entityframeworkcore.tools
  3. microsoft.entityframeworkcore.design
  4. Pomelo.EntityFrameworkCore.MySQL
  5. Npgsql.EntityFrameworkCore.PostgreSQL
  6. Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Proxies (Lazy Loader)

  7. NLog
  8. NLog.Config
  9. Swashbuckle.AspNetCore (Swagger)
  10. Automapper

  11. Microsoft.AspNet.WebApi.Client (HTTPClient)
  12. System.text.json (Parsing JSON)

  13. TinyCsvParser
  14. ExcelDataReader
  15. SSH.NET
.Net Core
  1. Basic (Working With String, File, Config)
  2. Auth
  3. Data Structure
  4. Repository Pattern
Scheduler / Service Background
  1. Worker Service
  1. Deploy to IIS Server
  2. Deploy to Apache Server